HomeVideo Conferencing Get multiple users and customers on a video conference Multi-party video conferencing demo Additional features with video conferencing Screen sharing with multiple participantsSingle video recording with all participantsAdd virtual background to employee sideHave up to 5 participants on the callParticipants could be customers or employeesTake separate photo or document of each participant Features in development and pipeline Real time language translationSpeech to textCall analytics using Amazon Chime SDKCall with a system, where no agent is requiredNative mobile applications for employee side Customer interaction and workflow features One to one video callingAuto video recording and playback of callsText chat between customer and employeePre-configured QnA moduleFace match between customer face & documentDocument photo capture and taggingCustomer location capture using Google Maps APIScreen sharing from both sidesFile sharing from both sidesCustomize call closure / disposition optionsAudit page for each customer interaction Customer journey and routing features Connect customer to a specific employeeConnect to a group of employeesConnect to a central team (Round robin)Connect to a central team (Basis availability)Connect basis previous conversationInstructions or waiting page for customersToken numbers for customers in queueRouting basis product, language, use case etc.Option to jump customers to top of the queueAPI to connect customer from other systems Enterprise features White labelled solution & hosted on company domainOption to customize workflowsData bank of all video calls with multiple field searchAPI to sync call data with other systemsReal time dashboard and detailed excel reportsTeam productivity and performance reportsIn built user access management module and APIAD and LDAP integration for employee loginEmployee login from selected IPs onlyIntegration with company SMS and email accounts